Todays entry is dedicated to Mike "Dave Grohl" Gruggen.....I just finished reading his blog, and rather than responding in a comment, I felt that there was too much to write, so here goes:
For the past 10 years, I have had the pleasure of watching many gigs performed by Capgun/Shoegazer/The spyes. For 10 years I have only missed one show, and only because I was working for that show. I have supported everything about the band. I've watched them play at the Wick many times, the Richmond plenty, the Embassy, and Oh yes the battle of the bands at Old Chicagos..........All great shows, all shows were set up by the band themselves...........Now we have a "manager" in the picture......Now, not to say that I have anything against Adam the manager, but who the fuck shows up at a rock show to watch their buddies rock out on stage in a suit??? Lets get real here.....This isn't fucking Hollywood. For the first time ever I was dissapointed in the show that the SPyes put on........Every show that I have seen has been a spectacle of musical talent in which all band members took turns playing the instruments......singing, and generally having a good time....This time around we were treated to a 40 minute show, that could have gone on all night if certain people would have agreed to play a few covers.........What the fuck is wrong with a few covers??? Nobody said anything about playing NO SPYES ORIGINAL MATERIAL!!!!! After talking to the party involved (Jason Cahill) I was informed that he was angry that they were not going to be paid for additional stage time.........Paid for additional stage time.........you should be paying to be put on stage my friend....If I had what you guys had, and I had an offer to sing a few extra songs, I would be on it like a fat kid on a cupcake......I agree with Grohl 100%.....It should be about getting on stage and rocking out with your friends. Most of the people that come to watch you could care less about what you are playing. None of us pay to see you, so why should you be paid in the first place? Stage time is a blessing in the world of music, and if you want to be heard and sign that coveted "record deal" than you need to take shows when they are offered...........All these years of watching you guys, and being with you for all of your shows, it has never been about money.....I remember the good old Richmond days when you were pumped to get $50 and some free pitchers of beer.....What happened? Now that you are strictly business, a fun night with the band and friends needs to be funded? Ridiculous..........When you playa show at the JLC, and Sandbox is your opening act then maybe you will be happy........Only problem is, if you turn down gigs because they are not offering you enough money, you'll never get that gig at the JLC.....or the fucking Molson Centre in Montreal..................Dave Grohl, you should start your own band man, and I'll come watch. I can't play any instruments, but if I could I would be up there with you rocking out for your friends who have supported you 100% since you joined the band..........otherwise, I'll be standing front and centre hammered yelling YOU ROCK GROHL!!!!!!! Just remeber that when your friends ask you when your next gig is, you tell them that your band is holding out.......In my experience watching sports, all of the people who hold out on their team, lose the most respect. Lets think about what rock and roll is about and get our heads out of our asses...........
cochrane u raise some good points....but it depends on what the band's goals are. In this case some individual's have a different idea of where they want it to go, which differ's from that of the band, which creates a problem. On a lighter note, who came up with the spyes symbol? is it totally original? if so thats pretty cool!
haha yes, the band is somewhat divided I think. All I am saying is even if your goal is to get a record contract and make the big bucks, you are not gonna get there by turning down gigs.......I believe it is completely original, as is the band. They have great songs of their own that should be on display at gigs......one or 2 covers throughout the night will just be filler.......for those that aren't enjoying the original stuff, o cover will pull them back in
Are you sure you aren't part of this band?? because you sure seem upset about this....I do have to agree though, turning down gigs will get you no where. A band is like a team, you need to work together to succeed.
I have always enjoyed the shows I have been to, even back in the day when they were 'capgun', and I hope to attend many more!
Firstly today is June 15th and I just found out about this post. The reason I wanted more money is because it costs money to be in a band. Instruments, gas to practices and gigs, etc.. Also, its a lot of hard work and I want to be rewarded as much as the next guy. The workload in 40 minutes of a show is crazy; especially to write and perform MY OWN SONGS. If people wanna hear covers, TURN ON FM96. I want to play songs I wanna hear and play, not anybody else. If people don't like it DON'T COME OUT! Simple as that.
And the suit was for presence and fun. This is a business, money is being turned over for services, I don't want to get screwed.
Jay Cahill
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