So I decided to change things up a little bit. Tonight is my first night shift at RIMjob. 6pm to 6 am......It is now 2:26 am. I think I'm asleep. I'm not 100% sure about it but I think I am. Its a little wierd because it is super busy during the day, but night time is when the tunes are turned on and your going at a pace much slower because there are no emails or phone calls piling up. Anyways, Saturday marked the 26th year of the Cochrane. Happy birthday to me. Thanks for all the kids who put aside a couple hours to come and celebrate with me. To those of you who had better things to do, fuck ya. Pardon the frizzench. Anyway, the first 2 rounds of golf have been played this season and I must say not one bad outting. 94 for the first round and 88 for the second. This marks the first time that I have broken 100. Let alone 90. Good times. I look forward to beating Felker repeatedly this year. Bring it Felks...Poppa's got brand new shoes! So anyway, I am slowly going cross-eyed and am gonna head out for a small nap......Check back soon because I plan to keep updating
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