Welcome to CochraneTown. You can visit for your daily dose of non-important material. Basically a spot for me to throw down some of my daily events and interests. Come back any time and let your comments be seen.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Hey kids, I'm back on nights so I may have a little more time to do some blogging. Not much has happened since my last post. Been spending as much time as I can back home with Jules and her mom. Jules is back playing hockey and Cocks is the bench boss when he can make it back. Actually I just open doors and yell word of encouragement. they wouldn't listen to me anyway. So being on nights means being able to find the random stuff on the net. For anybody that like the Miller Lite commercials, I have the site for you..
"Whats next? i can't do this?"
On another note: 4 weeks until the big day. Jules and I are getting married! I'm pretty excited, even though we won't be living together for a bit. Can't to see everyone there looking all dressed and pressed. Anyway, I'm gonna get back to work. Hopefully be back soon with another post. Cochrane...OUT

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
1948 - 2006

Last Saturday Julia lost her father. Howard had been battling a disease called Idio-Pathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Pulmonary Fibrosis is a lung disease that createscauses scar tissue in the lungs which in time depleats fuction and capacity of the lungs. He needed a lung transplant. Howard was diagnosed almost 6 years ago and up until last year he played his 53rd year of hockey with the Belmont Oldtimers........Very strong and determined.
He kept playing golf up until this passed summer. He had to quit that too. Howard had been put on oxygen and was told to take a break from the golf. I've been with Julia for almost 4 years now. Her dad was one of the most positive, stand-up guys I have ever met. No matter how bad of a day he was having, he would always be positive and humorous. I was never in a bad mood around him, nobody could be. He would bring a smile to anyones face the first time meeting him because of his genuine heart. At his wake this past week, over 907 people passed through to pay their respects to him and his family. Thats how many people who's lives he touched...and more. Its times like these that you really re-evaluate who you are and the relationships you have with your own family. It gives you a chance to look at what is important, and how easily it can be taken away. I'll miss you Howard..And I will take care of your little girl.

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