Well its been a long time coming, but finally over the weekend I proposed to the beautiful and amazing Julia Gulia Churchill. We were in Ottawa for the weekend on a little excusrion that we planned and I thought what better place to do it, but in one of Ontario's most beautiful cities. She said yes, without any hesitation and we celebrated with a bottle of wine in our room. I won't give any details as to how it was done, but if you ask her I'm sure she'll tell you. Anywa, this is such an exciting time for both of us, and the planning has already begun. Stag and Doe's receptions, vows and all that good stuff are main discussion points when we see eachother. Here is a pic taken right after I got my knee dirty!
On a sad note, the world lost a great man last week. Dave Lawrence passed away at the young age of 41. For those of you who know Dave, you know he was a great guy who was funny, helpful and kind. I got to know Dave by working with him at UPS doing the Hamilton run, but also know him from my childhood days of enjoying Racing at Delaware Speedway. My thoughs and condolences go out to his wife, and kids and I hope that they will find the strength to carry on and find happiness with Dave watching over them.